Ilford Harman Warmtone Developer - 1L

  • Ilford Harman Warmtone Developer - 1L
$39.00 ETA: 31/10/2024

Ilford Harman Warmtone developer is a liquid concentrate suitable for the dish/tray developing of all RC and FB black and white photographic papers, giving a warmer image tone to most papers. Used at a dilution of 1+9 it is clean working and has excellent keeping properties. We do not recommend its use for high temperature or machine processing applications. Not suitable for developing films.

  • Ilford Harman Warmtone - 1 litre of developer liquid concentrate.
Related Categories Black & White Chemistry

Brand: Harman | Code: 1140279
APN: 0019498140273 | Supplier Code: 1140279

Brand: Harman | Code: 1140279
APN: 0019498140273 | Supplier Code: 1140279

Related Categories Black & White Chemistry