Formatt-Hitech 150x150mm 0.3 (1 Stop) Neutral Density

  • Formatt-Hitech 150x150mm 0.3 (1 Stop) Neutral Density
$241.00 ETA: 09/04/2025

The Formatt Hitech Standard Neutral Density (ND) filters produce a grey neutral effect and are used to reduce light entering the camera, enabling control over exposure and depth of field without affecting color or contrast. The Formatt Hitech Standard ND filters are made in different densities according to the level of light reduction from 1/3 stop to 4 stops of light and are made from the highest quality 1.5mm optical resin.

  • This is a 150x150mm 0.3 (1 stop) Formatt Hitech Standard ND filter.
Related Categories ND Filters

Brand: Formatt Hitech | Code: HT150ND0.3
APN: 5052618023334 | Supplier Code: HT150ND0.3

Brand: Formatt Hitech | Code: HT150ND0.3
APN: 5052618023334 | Supplier Code: HT150ND0.3

Related Categories ND Filters