Easily and quickly capture mounted slides using the Pro Mount as a sturdy base.
Each image passes through guide rails and subsequent slides push out the one before it while being slotted into place. Slide Holder magnetically attaches to the 35mm plate on the Pro Mount.
Requires: Pro Mount MK1 or MK2, additionally requires 35mm Pro Mount MK2 adapter plate. This plate is included if you’ve purchased a Pro Mount MK2 kit with your Film Carrier MK1. If you purchased a Pro Mount MK2 with your Film Carrier 120 and need the 35mm adapter plate.
Note: This concept is designed for modern Pakon (or similar brand) style mounted slide holders for 35mm film. Older cardboard/paper slide holders are sometimes thicker or wider. We’re working to produce a solution that works for all types of 35mm (and 127) mounted slides. Stay tuned!