Emil Bilinski - Rotolight Lighting Workshop @ Studio 501

On the 12th of July we had the pleasure of hosting the Incredible and talented Austrian Emil BILINSKI Photographer, Ilford Master, Coloratti Pro and Rotolight Master of Light.

The event was held at Studio 501 - Photographic Studio Hire Marrickville, Sydney Australia, hosted by Ben Scott Photography and all brought together by John Wallace and Damon Rulach.

Braving the cold weather was a terrific audience comprising of professional photographers, CRK customers, post production creatives and aspiring videographers.

Emil provided tremendous and realistic insight to his approach to photography. He stressed the importance of being versatile and adopting a creative chameleon mindset. Not limiting yourself to just being a photographer and learning how to multi-task .

The highlights included segments where he illustrated the significance of moving both your camera and lights simultaneously to shape a person’s face and also the differences between Rotolight Ananova Pro’s, AEOS and Neo LED lights. These lights pack quite a punch, with full DMX controls, trigger inputs, strobe and continuous parameters, Bi-color capabilities, beam angle adjustments via barn doors, easy implementation of color gels and V-lock, gold mount and other battery options.

We also had the good fortune of recording an episode of Emil and Clem Kennedy on an episode of “on the bench” while also recording video highlights during the event. Special thanks to John Wallace, Andrew King, Alfred Tsang for all their assistance during the workshop. Special mention to Mike Crick for the sensational photos.