Phase One presents: Extraordinary Passion

Phase One has curated a collection of personal stories from photographers who live their passion for photography every day.

In these stories, they share how this passion can change lifestyles, worldviews and careers, and hopefully inspire others to take their photography to the next level.

Featured Photographers


Leif Steiner

After 20 years as a creative director in the advertising industry, Leif handed over the keys to his agency to pursue his true passion: photography. Without a background in photography but a critical eye for visual communication, he quickly honed his unique style of black and white portraiture and committed himself to creating photography that feeds the heart.


Pierre-Alain Folliet

For years, Pierre-Alain has cultivated his passion for photography while also building a successful career in finance. Until one day, when he decided it was time to fully commit to the art of the still image. These days, he travels to distant places where he can completely immerse himself in nature, breathe in its beauty, marvel in its diversity, and freeze it for just a moment in his capture.


Ken Rhodes

Ken is a neuroscientist, the chief scientific officer of a biotech company, and an avid landscape photographer. He started with film photography in high school, but put the camera down during university as he pursued an advanced degree and raised a family. He picked it up again about 10 years ago, when his interest in long exposure photography was rekindled.


Rudy Atallah

Rudy discovered photography while serving as an air force pilot during the First Gulf War, when he started carrying a camera on missions, wanting to capture landscapes from above. Since then, he’s traveled to 112 countries, met and helped people from all over the world, never forgetting to take a break from time to time and capture a moment that moved his heart.


Miles Flint

Having lived in 6 different countries by the time he was a teenager, Miles developed a travel instinct early on. His later work with Sony made him explore even more parts of the world, and his discoveries inspired him to bring along a camera. In 2011 he decided to leave behind the business world and make photography his main line of work, fully embracing his new vocation. Nowadays, he focuses on documenting the interaction between humans and landscape, capturing in his photography the marks that each side leave on the other.


PS Spaces

PS Spaces is a photo studio in Wimbledon, UK, managed by a team composed of David Sheldrick, Nicole Markhoff, Andy Hoang and Maxwell Correia. They are first and foremost professional photographers and videographers, but their passion for their craft made them take the extra step of starting a business. Although sometimes hard to balance, their dual roles enrich their experience and development in the photography world, inspiring each other, as well as the clients they serve.

Discover their stories here:

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